Jane Slattery – Volunteer – North Tipperary.
Jane Slattery registered with Tipperary Volunteer Centre in 2019. Over the course of the last 3 years, she has volunteered many times. She plays an active role in her community and is passionate about writing.
With Jane giving us so much we wanted to give something back. As an aspiring writer, the team at Tipperary Volunteer Centre promised to support her by assisting Jane in getting her writings out into the public domain. Today, we are delighted to publish her piece on living with a disability. We hope you enjoy it.
With the exception of adding the images this piece below is copied verbatim from the document Jane supplied us with.
Living with a disability
by Jane Slattery.
Hi, my name is Jane Slattery and I am here to talk to you about disability.
I would like people to have an open mind in what I have to say on living with a disability.
To be honest, it has got advantages and disadvantages.
Yes, there are families out there who struggle with the fact of their loved one having a disability but help is available. Everyone needs a helping hand at times.
I myself have a disability.
Sometimes it can get me down but then I pick myself back up. Positive attitude is the key.
It’s all about doing fun things!
Participate in meaningful social activities, have hobbies and interests that make you feel fulfilled.
Keep a journal. I do and it’s helping with my creative writing too!
I know what I want in life and I like to put my point of view across. It is enabling me to maximize my potential.
Always remember you have the best support systems out there to encourage and help you to realize yours too.
But first you need to grieve over the fact that your loved one is going through this and needs all the help you can give them.
If it means going to meetings and to have an out look and empowerment to people.
the best thing is you don’t ignore it because it can be a roller coaster at times honestly.
you don’t need to put on a happy face to deal with it all
the next best thing is that you can learn to accept your
disability and show your best self out.
there is always room to make the adjustments.